The Nasty


  • Only the top 3 schools from each heat will be awarded points

  • 1st Place = 10 points

  • 2nd Place = 7 points

  • 3rd Place = 5 points


  • The game begins with five people who identify as a woman on one side of the playing field and five people who identify as man on the other side. The team of 10 will relay from one side of the field to the other delivering a PVC pipe between his/her/their legs without the use of their hands. Only the 1st person may use his/her/their hands to place the baton into position between their legs. Once the game begins, hands may only be used to pick up a baton if it’s dropped or if you are resetting the baton between your legs. Once the last person on the team delivers their team’s baton, that team is finished and must sit down. At that time, the corresponding referee will raise his/her/their hands


  • If a player drops the baton during or on the way to the exchange, he/she/they must return to his/her/their initial starting point.

  • If a player touches the baton with their hands, he/she/they must return to his/her/their initial starting point.

  • Hands may only be used to pick up a baton if it’s dropped or resetting it between your legs. 

  • Player must cross the line before transferring the baton.

  • Before resetting baton in between legs, players must FULLY cross the starting line, drop the baton, go behind the starting line, reset, then go.

  • Think of other ways to exchange the baton.